Single-payer Healthcare for All

Jon LeRoux, State Representative for the 99th District of Michigan, enacting single-payer universal healthcare for all in Michigan

The American healthcare system is fundamentally broken. Thanks to health insurance middlemen who want to line their pockets, we pay more for healthcare than any other high-income nation while still getting subpar quality.

The data doesn’t lie. Our healthcare system consistently falls behind on key health measures, including:

  • Life expectancy

  • Preventable hospital admissions

  • Suicide

  • Maternal mortality

Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States and Michigan is no different.

Single-payer universal healthcare, also called “Medicare for All,” means a healthcare system in which healthcare providers are reimbursed by a single, public funding source. This is the way forward for Michiganders to ensure that everyone, regardless of income or disability, can receive the care they need.

If elected, I would help ensure HB 4893 comes to fruition, establishing the universal and unified healthcare system that Michiganders need, and work to protect Michiganders’ right to equitable care access.

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